Writing Wins 2021

Writing Wins 2021


While this year has been, not exactly, what I’d expected, I’m excited to say there have definitely been some wins I’d like to share!

I started writing short fiction as a daily practice in January 2020, and looking back on two full years, it really feels like my writing has started to grow and change. Stories that I look back on from those early months now show fissures and miss-steps that I didn’t see at the time – places where I’d change them now, or where I can see something wasn’t quite working. This is not to say my recent stuff is perfect, but it’s like I’m starting to see the Matrix of my own process, and that’s really exciting.

I truly think a lot of this can be chalked up to reading a whole bunch of short stories, as much as putting pen to paper. I mean, talk about the world’s greatest homework assignment! It has been so much fun reading short fiction from publications like Diabolical Plots, Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed Magazine, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Experiencing these stories, written by others, has been a whole lesson in itself.

While my wins are modest this year, I am just so delighted about them!

1) ‘Craft Your Own Adventure’ - Short Story published in Paper Lanterns Literary Journal, Issue 4 (Mar 2021)

“While Marya was usually excellent at imagining the worst, opening a portal to another world while crocheting had never really crossed her mind.”

Listen to the first page on YouTube!

2) 'They Took the Trees’ - Penny Fiction published in Haunted Waters Press (Dec 2021)

This is definitely the shortest piece of fiction I’ve ever written in prose – just 21 words! It came from genuine frustration and sorrow at my apartment complex bulldozing every tree on our block. From 16 different bird species visiting my quarantine window – to 6.

Get your copy of From the Depths, No. 19 here.

3) Short Story made the shortlist for Uncharted Magazine’s Summer Sci-Fi/Fantasy Short Story Award

I’m over the moon to say that one of my stories has made this list, which will be judged by Ken Liu! I loved his collection The Paper Menagerie, and The Hidden Girl is sitting on my desk in my TBR pile. I’m not able to say which of my stories is on the list, since everything will be judged blind, but needless to say it’s an honour to be considered!

4) Short Story accepted by a SFWA-qualifying publication! (forthcoming)

I’m dying a little bit every time I think about this one. No contract signed yet, so I can’t say much, but 7-year-old Julie who loved Luke Skywalker and Jurassic Park would be jumping all around the couch right now. Stay tuned for the new year!

5) Won NaNoWriMo and completed a draft of my first non-fiction book

Writing a PhD on the Irish war-goddess, the Morrígain, is one thing – turning it into a readable book instead of a jumble of academic flimflam is another. This has been a WIP since 2019, and I am thrilled to say that draft 1 is done! It’ll be another year, most likely, before I feel ready to shop it around to academic publishers, but it feels good to have gotten this far.

It’s also been a wonderful journey getting rejections, though that might sound strange to hear. Most are polite no-thank-yous, but occasionally someone took valuable time out of their busy day to give me feedback, and they didn’t need to, and it meant the world to me. Thank you to all the slush readers and editors out there – you’ve helped make me a better writer, one submission at a time.

Finally, to all those nominated for the Hugo Awards this year, break a leg! There are some absolutely incredible nominations; I honestly have no idea who will win. But I can say with absolute certainty, you all deserve it! :)

And finally, here’s to a (hopeful) new year. Happy 2022!